No not really but his hit song Baby did. I learned the song in Chinese class and at first I was like "Oh another Chinese song. What else is new? Translate into English with my handy dandy Chinese dictionary."
Than one of my class mates said " Oh I know this song."
I gave Him a weird look and said "You do?" he nods and said " Its Justin Bieber's song Baby." then he started to sing it.
My mouth dropped then I was scowling just for the thought of it. BUT! I had no choice in order to do the work it was part of my grade.
I sat there working on the song then I said F it and dropped my pencil and started to read, The book was more interesting than the song, but no worries I know what it means sooo...LESS WORK FOR ME!! *happy dance*
So I'll just go home and roast like an egg on the side walk in the middle of June. Man I sound county, but guess what...I don't care =D
Peace & Love~
The Teenage Blogger