
Wednesday, September 09, 2015

10 interesting facts about China

Hey how are you guys and gals. Its been a long while of me doing research on certain topics. So I'm doing one now of China. I hope you enjoy.

Fact #1: Fortune cookies were not made in China, but in San Fransisco in 1920.

Fact #2: Twitter and The New York Times has been blocked in China for six years.

Fact # 3: The Playstation is illegal.

Fact #4: You can go to college and major bra studies

Fact #5: China has treatment camps for people who are addicted to the internet. (I think the majority of the world population needs to go there)

Fact #6:  Toilet Paper was invented for emperors only in the 1300s

Fact #7: Red symbolizes happiness and is commonly used in weddings and birthdays.

Fat #8: China has more English speakers than the U.S.

Fact #9: 7 out of 10 students that enroll overseas won't move back to China.

Fact #10: You can walk onto an IKEA store and take a nap and no one will wake you.

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger

Monday, September 07, 2015

OMG! I am back from the dead!

Took care of foster kittens
Why hello everyone who is still reading this, it has been a long time. As you can tell from the videos YouTube has taken over my life. I still vlog and all that good stuff but, I just miss typing away at my keyboard and talking to you guys. I can hide behind a camera and still talk to you and not be judged for what I sound or look like. But lately I have been feeling Ill for the last month and a half. Every time I look at food I feel sick, I have to force feed myself and I don't want to do that. I'm going to the doctor's in a couple of weeks to find out what is wrong with me.
   Sorry that I put this on you and I don't want to, But I feel that I can trust you.

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger/Vlogger