
Wednesday, October 02, 2013

October: Anti-Bullying Month

Ok, so bullying is a very touchy subject and we all know that. So I have to be serious about this. As I said in my last post last year, I was bullied all the way into my early high school days. I don't like seeing other students or people in general being made fun of or being beat up. So if you have been bullied talk to the teacher, if the teacher doesn't help then talk to your parents or who ever you live with cause trust me my mom became the momma bear after she heard.
    If your the bully you have to stop. You don't know how much you are hurting the person. At the age of 12, I was thinking of committing suicide because, I thought that no one cared about me so why am I here? If you think you are starting to become a bully, talk to some one but not a friend. Talk to some one that is an adult they can help. I have never been a bully and I don't want to be.
      If your a bully, Stop. If you are the one getting bullied then speak up. Do it now before it's to late.

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger

Monday, September 30, 2013

Let's Have A Little Fun

I decided to take some pictures (while in school ^_^;) and get out of my comfort zone. So the pictures are a wee bit silly but not crazy, if you now what I mean.
A nice colorful picture not my taste but it's nice =]

I call this picture Derp its a masterpiece

Ha xD  I love the secound one but on the Jessica Biel post it's going to take a while, ok?

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger