
Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Headache why are you still here?

 Day three of having a headache, but its not as bad as yesterday. I found out that the guy that I told you guys about isn't bothering me any more he is back with his ex. Even though I still find it disrespectful that he called his ex out of her name and that shows me that he doesn't have any respect for women. But I'm not saying nothing to her cause that is just drama and I'm trying my best to stay out of it.
    Has anyone been watching any good movies lately? I have been watching TCM a lot more then I was a few months ago. I mostly watch comedies and musicals but I'm starting to watch dramas, romance, horror, etc. But I am staying with in my years which is the 20's, 30's, 40's, and 50's.
     I always say that I'm not your regular teenager and its true. I act more mature, I don't do drugs, and I don't drink alcohol. I just take care of my mother and try to do stuff around the house when I can.

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

So Much Snow its Making My Head Hurt

Its true, there is so much snow. Well up to my ankles but, its still snowing as we speak and the news said that its going to keep snowing I think until late afternoon. I know the people from Minnesota might get mad at me for this but, we don't need to know what the weather is outside every 5 minutes. I haven't been getting that much sleep for the past two days besides the snow and all. I think its the time of the year when you don't get that much sleep for a couple of days.

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger

Monday, March 04, 2013

What's Been Going on Lately

Well there has been some stuff on my mind and I don't like keeping it in. I have been asked out about two weeks after my birthday which was January 26. I know this post is going to sound like I want you guys to feel sorry for me but, its not that. Its my first time that I got a confession from a guy. Lets say he did it the old fashion way "Would you like to go out with me? check Yes or No" , I know right?
  I refused on the spot. I'm not ready for a relationship just yet but he is trying his best to make me like him but its the opposite, He is making me dislike him more and more. I'm not acting like myself anymore. I have to put a "mask" on just to hide how much pain I'm in around the people that I care about. Its like every time he's around I feel uncomfortable every time he's there. If I made eye contact with him I give him the deadliest stare that he has ever seen. Well not that much but you get what I'm saying.
   People that know me knows that I hate it when guys try to impress me or people in general. I have been losing a couple hours of sleep and not eating that much because I'm so stressed out. Why does life have to give me challenges that is a little to difficult for me to handle?

Life is like a very long TV show, without a remote control. -

This quote is so true, who agrees?

Nun, es gab einige Sachen auf meinem Kopf und ich mag es nicht halten es in. Ich worden sind etwa zwei Wochen nach meinem Geburtstag, 26. Januar gefragt wurde. Ich weiß, dieser Beitrag wird klingen wie ich euch zu bemitleiden mich wollen, aber es ist nicht so. Seine mein erstes Mal, dass ich ein Geständnis bekam von einem Kerl. Lets sagen, er tat es die altmodische Art "Möchten Sie mit mir gehen möchte? Check Yes or No", ich weiß, nicht wahr?

   Ich weigerte mich, auf der Stelle. Ich bin nicht bereit für eine Beziehung nur noch nicht, aber er versucht sein Bestes, um mich wie ihm zu machen, aber es ist das Gegenteil, er macht mich mögen ihn mehr und mehr. Ich bin nicht handeln wie ich nicht mehr. Ich habe eine "Maske" auf, nur um zu verbergen, wie viel Schmerz, den ich in etwa die Menschen, die mir wichtig bin setzen. Es ist wie jedes Mal, wenn er etwa ich mich unwohl jedes Mal ist er rund fühlen. Wenn ich Blickkontakt mit ihm, dass ich ihm die tödlichsten Blick, dass er je gesehen hat. Also, nicht so viel, aber Sie bekommen, was ich sage.

    Menschen, die mich kennen wissen, dass ich es hasse, wenn Leute zu mir oder Menschen im Allgemeinen zu beeindrucken versuchen. Ich habe zu verlieren ein paar Stunden Schlaf und nicht zu essen so viel, weil ich so bin gestresst. Warum Leben zu geben mich herausfordert, das ist ein wenig zu schwer für mich zu handhaben?
Life is like a very long TV show, without a remote control. -

Dieses Zitat ist so wahr, die stimmt?

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger