
Friday, July 05, 2013


I know its two pictures but she is cute, right? I was just playing around with my camra And Tigger is my wonderful and cute model =]
I have a video in progress of uploading and all I have to do is edit.
Hope everyone is enjoying there day!

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

How is everyone doing on this lovely 4th of July night? I am doing fine and I'm listening to fireworks and it sounds awesome =D

I need to get more sleep  I have a headache

It sucks Dx

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger

Monday, July 01, 2013

OMG! It's July!

Hello everyone today is the first day of July and it's Canada day in Canada. So Happy Canada Day to the people in Canada =]

And for the people in the U.S.A. ours are three days after and it's called the forth of July. We shoot of fireworks and BBQ and hang out with family.

But I have one question for people who lives in Canada, How do you guys celebrate Canada Day?

Do you Celebrate your holiday the same or different from ours?

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger