
Thursday, November 07, 2013


It snowed a couple of days ago and it was peaceful for some odd reason. It didn't snow as much I ave to guess an inch, I don't know. There are a few patches of snow here and there but nothing bad...yet. Right now I'm listening to some music on an online radio. Its a good combo for me and it gets the brain flowing with ideas. Once I go home I'm going to the dollar store near my house and do a little shopping.

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Words and Stuff...


I hate it when I have nothing to type. This has been going on for a few weeks now. Well there was a couple of days were I has things to say, well today is not the day. Did I sleep on the wrong side of the bed or something? I don't know but I hope I can form words with speaking and typing.

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

A Hat For a Gift?!?

You have read the title right, I am going to make some hats and give them out for people in need at my school. Every year my mom would make Christmas stockings and put candy canes in them. On Halloween last week, a staff member said that she loved my hat and I should make some and give it out, free of cost. That gave me the idea to make hats and give them out. I told my mom that I should make hats and lots of them for people in need, and she said two words that always get me motivated " Good luck."
   It takes me about less then a week to get one hat done. that's why I'm doing this because there are many people out there that don't have hats for the winter. I know this one little thing can turn into something big.

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger

Monday, November 04, 2013

A Quaker Bit Me!

This is a Quaker:
Image From Google

They are very beautiful birds, but when they bite, they bite hard. They have at least 25 pounds of pressure behind their beak. How do I know? I got bit by one. It's my uncles bird and she is very protective of him. I was just putting my hand out because she normally bob her head up and down or just back off. Well not this time. She flew on my hand and bit me and bit me HARD. I got a bruise now and she broke the skin just a little. I can't do anything because that's who she is. I wish she could understand that I won't hurt her. *sigh*

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger