
Sunday, August 19, 2012

I saved a bird...again!

I didn't know where it came from =/

But it landed in front of me when I felt air on my face and I was asleep o_o

I went to go catch it when it in the closet

I tried to look for it but too tired to put it in the energy for it

So I sat on my bed and thought "It has to be an illusion."

So I laid back in bed fell back asleep.

An hour later...I'm guessing.

I hear something that is plastic.

I jumped up and I seen the bird again Then I thought to myself  "I knew it! It wasn't an illusion."

So I tried to catch it then it flew back in my closet.

I went down stairs and asked my aunt if she could help me with something

"It depends what it is dear.", she said.

I laughed a little and said "There is a bird in my room."

She looked at me like I was crazy but she knew I was serious.

"Again?", she said hoping I was telling the truth.

I nodded.

I told her I couldn't open any of my windows because they have screens.

I went back up stairs and tried to catch it then I asked my aunts boyfriend if he could help me lead it into the bathroom.

He did and I told him I could take it from there.

I finally got the bird in the bathroom.

I took a picture of it then went on to catch it.

First, the window (of course)

Second, behind the toilet about three or four times.

"Aww, come on!" I yelled

I got it back to the sink then it decides to go on top of my cabinets...twice.

"Really!?", I yelled again.

I had to get on top of the toilet just to lead it off.

Many attempts later I finally caught it =]

I grabbed it with my bare hands and sent it free.

My aunt said, "Hey you, go wash your hands. That bird carries bad germs."

I laughed at her a little and did what she asked.

I told my mom about it when she came home

And it was all on her birthday =]

And here are the pics:
Look between the red and white hangers

In the Bathroom

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger


  1. great post~! ^^ looking forward to your upcoming ones~!

