
Wednesday, May 01, 2013

May Day

Its the first day of May and its raining. Yeah I know that its normal but later on its going to snow. Yes, snow. Why Mother Nature? What did we ever do to you? You are giving all this snow to us and its Spring let alone its May. Mother Nature are you on your period?
     Ha Ha, I had to put that in but its true we are going to have snow. Its the whole part of being a Minnesotan, you have to get used to the weather changes. But at least we had a few days of sun shine and warmth.

Peace & Love ~
The Teenage Blogger

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHA. I LOLED when you asked the mother nature about her period! here in the philippines, MOTHER NATURE is serious about SUMMER. freaking 38 degrees! T_T
